
nurse shark

Shark tagging in Fiji

Fiji is well known for its shark diving tourism and boasts a considerable number of species of these amazing creatures. Visitors from around the world travel for thousands of miles to experience the incredible spectacle of sharks swarming around them. Bull sharks are a highlight with Tawney Nurse sharks, White and Black Tip Reefs, Grey […]

By |October 5th, 2015|Blog|1 Comment

SEA LIFE London Aquarium Shark Art

We had a great day at SEA LIFE London Aquarium today providing free shark art for children and adults. It is half-term and the aquarium was full of enthusiastic children (and adults!) of all ages, who thoroughly enjoyed creating shark art and learning about the different species of sharks.


We were positioned next to the shark […]

By |February 18th, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on SEA LIFE London Aquarium Shark Art