

Unfamiliar is Scary

This I feel is much of the reason why people fear sharks. This is why Kathryn and I set up Friends for Sharks and why we took the route we did – educating people on what sharks are really like, to enable people to gain some familiarity with these incredible animals. Are they dangerous? Well […]

By |May 3rd, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Unfamiliar is Scary

Shark tagging in Fiji

Fiji is well known for its shark diving tourism and boasts a considerable number of species of these amazing creatures. Visitors from around the world travel for thousands of miles to experience the incredible spectacle of sharks swarming around them. Bull sharks are a highlight with Tawney Nurse sharks, White and Black Tip Reefs, Grey […]

By |October 5th, 2015|Blog|1 Comment