
great white shark attack each other neptune islands

Great White Shark Bite, Neptune Islands Update

We have some interesting information to share today following our blog regarding the footage of one white shark biting another at the Neptune Islands in Australia that has been shared widely on the Internet in recent weeks.


The videographer of that footage, Agnes Yip-Fa, has come forward since seeing it shared on the Internet without her […]

By |October 19th, 2014|Blog|1 Comment

Polite Sharks say Please

A video of two great white sharks ‘attacking’ each other at the Neptune Islands, Australia has been doing the rounds this week. If you haven’t seen this video yet the link is here. What struck me about this video is how ridiculous it is in terms of claiming the sharks were attacking each other but […]

By |October 2nd, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Polite Sharks say Please